In this section, we share what we know about several regular DP contributors. To make this list, one has to be published on multiple occasions in the DP.
The Hidden Past of Elisabeth Warren Peters, aka, Becky O'Malley
September 14, 2009
Becky O’Malley was born in 1940 in St. Louis and grew up in Pasadena, California. Her given name was Elisabeth Warren Peters. She came from a wealthy, old line, blue-blooded family. Her middle name, “Warren” was meant to evoke an illustrious ancestor, famed Revolutionary War hero, General Joseph Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill. Family members were proud Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR).
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Is the Berkeley Daily Planet executive editor and owner, Becky O'Malley, herself an anti-Semite? (Much Revised & Updated)
September 14, 2009
As detailed elsewhere on this website, Elisabeth Warren Peters (now known as Becky O’Malley) is of blue-blood WASP origins. Her immediate forebears were members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), claiming descent from General Joseph Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill.
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Conn Hallinan
March 25, 2009
Hallinan writes a foreign affairs column for the Berkeley Daily Planet. He is also a member of the board that governs Berkeley radio station KPFA, part of the Pacifica network. In the 1970’s he was the editor of the Communist Party’s magazine, Peoples Weekly World.
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Joanna Graham and Norman Finklestein
March 25, 2009
When Joanna Graham writes against Israel in the Daily Planet she almost always takes pains to remind readers that she is Jewish, albeit, raised “assimilated.” What she does not tell DP readers, but readily admitted to the SF Chronicle, is that she is a Marxist.
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Red Diaper Babies
March 25, 2009
“Red Diaper babies” is a term often heard in the Jewish community referring to the descendants of Jews who had left the tribe beginning in the late 19th century for the greener pastures of Marxist utopian universalism. Joanna Graham is the most frequent red baby contributor to the Berkeley Daily Planet, but there are others.
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Judith Scherr
March 23, 2009
Scherr had been editor under the Daily Planet’s previous ownership, but left before the paper was sold. The O’Malleys initially lured Scherr back to be editor again, but Scherr changed her mind before the paper re-launched under the new ownership.
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March 26, 2009
Frequent Berkeley Daily Planet contributors, Jim Harris, Henry Norr, and Paul Larudee are members of ISM (International Solidarity Movement), a radical pro-Palestinian activist group. ISM regards both violence and nonviolence as important tools of the Palestinian revolution, though it claims to be non-violent itself.
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Matthew Taylor
March 24, 2009
From his entry in a dating website, one gets the impression that this perpetual “peace studies” major (he is in his mid-30’s and still working on his BA), and Berkeley tree sitter
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Michael P. Hardesty
March 27, 2009
Hardesty is a frequent peddler of hateful anti-Israelism in the Berkeley Daily Planet. By following his writings through multiple sources one gets the impression that he is a seriously dangerous person.
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Joseph Anderson
April 12, 2009
When Joseph Anderson published his loving ode to cop killing in the April 1, 2009 edition of the Berkeley Daily Planet, we immediately thought that O’Malley had decided to spread the hate more equitably, as this was the first hateful screed we have ever seen in the Berkeley Daily Planet that was not directed against Jews or Israel.
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Becky O'Malley
March 25, 2009
For just the bare facts about Becky O’Malley go to Wikipedia:
However, there is also a fun blog at SF Weekly which may give a feeling for just how widely Becky O’Malley is loathed in Berkeley for the way her personal biases shamelessly rule the Berkeley Daily Planet, a newspaper where “news” is rarely much more than propaganda: